Evening Discipleship Course

Since 1960, YWAM has trained and sent over 5 million people into the world to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The Evening Discipleship Course (EDC) provides a way for the community to engage in this world-renowned missions training. This exciting course focuses on intimacy with God, heart transformation, immediate application of truth and world vision.

8 weeks designed to give you a glimpse into our world wide courses like the Discipleship Training School!

Once a week, you will gather with other believers to take part in teachings designed and focused to bring each participant into a deeper relationship with God. The EDC is especially for those who wish to take time to dive into His word, but cannot make a long time commitment. This way, you can still honor your responsibilities while meeting only once a week for two, deeply transformative hours!

Teaching topics include:


  • Date:
  • Classes once a week, on Monday evenings
  • Time: 7pm to 9pm


$ 100 8 Weeks
  • Snacks
  • Speakers
  • Course material