School of Biblical Principles of Leadership

The Bible is a book inspired by God yet written by people to people. Real people that faced the same battles we face everyday. By combining leadership with Biblical studies, students will go through 15 books that show the timeline of the Bible, study the key people, within their context, in each book. We will study their lives and apply the lessons to our own walk with the Lord.

Have you ever thought about studying leadership with the leaders of the Bible?
Do you want to have a better understanding of Biblical studies?

The SBPL, or School of Biblical Principles of Leadership, is a three-month leadership and Bible school within Youth with a Mission and the University of the Nations. The goal of the School is to equip the students with the tools to study leadership through the crucial lens of Scripture, to become Godly leaders and to pass on the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

We want to train leaders to:


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  • Dates:
  • No outreach
  • UofN Accredited


$ 3500 for 3 months
  • Housing
  • Food
  • School Supplies
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